Membership Fee: AUD75 per year – No Other Fee/Commission
(For Brides/Grooms living in Sri Lanka/India - AUD25 per year)

How It Works

How It Works?


To find a suitable partner:  

  • You could become a member of
  • To become a member you should have a valid email address and a phone number.


The process has 3 stages

  1. Complete the online form
  2. Check your matches
  3. Communicating with the matching member(s)


Stage one - Complete the online form

Please access

a) Click New User button


b) Fill the form


c) You will get an email with an activation link. You will need to activate this link within 24 hours. Please check your Junk Mail as sometimes our email goes to this folder.


d) Once you activate the link it will take you to our website to complete the rest of your details with three remaining sections.


e) You have to complete all three sections and the last section is your partner preferences


f) Under Partner Preferences, you have to select the Country of Origin as India, this way you will get partners born for Indian parents but they may live in Australia or other countries.


g) Admin will review the details of your profile for data accuracy and will approve it and send an email. If you have entered your data incorrectly Admin will call or email you and discuss,


h) After this process, only you can see all suitable matches currently available for you. (Matches are carried out by computer, based on their Partner Preferences such as Age, Marital Status, Ethnicity, Religion, Country of Origin, Country of Residence requirements and Qualification Requirements. In the cases of Religion, Ethnicity and Country of Origin they are matched against other party’s parents’ information)


i) Once the client pays membership fee, they become paid member and start using the website


Stage two : Check your Matches

You will be able to see profiles that matches your Partner Preferences in the View Matches screen. Our system doesn't allow you to check all our profiles due to privacy. 


Sending Expression of interest and accepting matching parties request.

i)) Use the View button to check the details of each matching profile.

ii) If you like a profile you can press the “Expression of Interest” Button and this will inform the other party via e-mail.

iii) If the other party is willing to proceed, they will press the button “Accept”

Iv) Once the other party accepts you will get a confirmation email. 

v) After this process your contact details will be given to the other party who sent the Expression of Interest or vice versa


Stage three- Contacting between members

When both parties (the member who sends an Expression of Interest and the member who accepts) have contact details

ii) Either party can contact and exchange further details 

III) During this process Admin will not be involved in your communication with the other party.

iv) Supply of personal information is up to both party’s discretion. 


Other buttons used in the system


Each member will see a button called Send Response button across each profile. This button works as one-way communication facility. When you click this button, the other party will receive an email without showing your email address. The matching party can log in to the system and use the View Messages button, answer any questions raised by the sender, and attach any files that sender requested. At this time you cannot see sender’s email address. This way you can exchange photographs between parties.

Please note Send Response button will NOT work after one party sent Expression of Interest and other party acccepted it. 



a) Each matching record will be shown a button called "NOT PROCEEDING”

b) If you do not like to proceed with a particular matching profile, please click Not Proceeding button. 

c) If you change your mind in the future you can undo this process by clicking “UNDO NOT PROCEEDING”